Sunday, July 05, 2009


Did you know that in order to file for bankruptcy a $245 case filing fee must be paid to the court, a $39 miscellaneous administrative fee must be paid to the court, and a $15 trustee surcharge must be paid to the trustee, in addition to any lawyer's fees, which all sources seem to imply are necessary in order to file? Um, okay, but what if the reason one was considering filing for bankruptcy was because one didn't have hundreds of dollars just lying around in the first place? If one can't afford to pay the filing fees then one can't file, I suppose. Keep paying those bills, starving ones, just keep paying 'em. Gotta love the system. Of course, the real albatross round this particular neck is school loan debt, which can't be claimed in bankruptcy anyway. It's brilliant, really, when you think about it.


Baley Petersen said...

It is brilliant. Brilliantly cruel.

-a- said...

I just read this today... "Student loans can be discharged through bankruptcy by use of the adversary proceeding." Now, I believe that you have to show that you are barely scraping by anyways, but this was in wikipedia. I say, if you don't make the payments for a while, then maybe, just maybe, you'll be able to pay court fees. :)